Thursday, March 5, 2020

Lab Grown Meat the Way of the Future

Lab Grown Meat the Way of the Future Via Although the concept of human made meat does provoke certain skepticism, the current mode of meat production is unsustainable and is only going to worsen as the demand is predicted to double within the next fifty years especially in Asia and Africa. The production of laboratory meat alternative would address the issue of animal welfare that through organizations such as PETA has gained stigma with the mass production of livestock. As well as the several other environmental problems that are linked with bulk meat production such as land use, waste, farm animal feed, and greenhouse gas emissions. With the process of laboratory meat product there would be 78-96% lower greenhouse gas emissions than conventionally produced meat within the United States. It also had a 99% lower land use and an 82-96% lower water use. In the coming future alternatives to meat production are going to gain more popularity as the ever evolving shape of our world unfolds. The exponentially growing population wi ll soon over utilize the land area still available and without the further exploration of a sustainable method the world will have to adapt to new dietary methods. Despite popular assumptions not every vegetarian or environmental group supports the research in laboratory produced meat including those at the Vegetarian Society Supporters Conference. The conference released a statement saying “Alongside all of these technical issues, the biggest question for many vegetarians is why? Why go to this much trouble and expense to replace a foodstuff that we simply do not need? Wouldnt it be simpler, cheaper and more sustainable to just stop eating meat altogether?” However, the idea that an entire population will switch their dietary intake to one of non-meat and sustainable food does not seem to be an accurate prediction and laboratory produced meat product might be a valuable alternative. Regardless of whether laboratory produced meat alternatives are the answer there still remains the problem of an ever growing population matched with an unsustainable food production system. The sustainability of future generations depends on the ability of our world to answer these difficult questions with reliable solutions.

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